My application refuses to install from the Market since I uploaded a
new version.

First, I had trouble finding the right keystore again after a few
months of not touching the app. Market finally stopped halting the
uploads with messages about the wrong signature, so everything seemed
okay. But the new version refuses to install. Logcat dump in debug
mode from trying it on my own phone:

03-21 07:15:59.740: DEBUG/vending(1401): [14]
LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5180615462709890363 /
03-21 07:15:59.890: INFO/vending(1401): [14] RequestDispatcher
$RequestContext.<init>(): Some requests use secure token but dont
require SSL. Forcing SSL.
03-21 07:16:01.010: DEBUG/RC_WifiBroadcastReceiver(20453):  action
03-21 07:16:01.010: DEBUG/RC_WifiService(20453): notifyScanResults()
03-21 07:16:01.330: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): hipri Received
state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList=
03-21 07:16:01.360: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for supl
03-21 07:16:01.380: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for mms
03-21 07:16:01.380: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): default
Received state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified),
apnTypeList= default,supl,mms
03-21 07:16:01.550: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(158):
onDataConnectionStateChanged 3
03-21 07:16:02.810: DEBUG/vending(1401): [87]
AssetDownloader.downloadAndInstall(): Initiating Download for 1
03-21 07:16:02.810: INFO/vending(1401): [87]
DownloadManagerUtil.enqueueDownload(): Enqueue for download$Request@43de9668
03-21 07:16:03.020: DEBUG/vending(1401): [87]
LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5180615462709890363 / null
03-21 07:16:03.460: DEBUG/vending(1401): [87]
LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5180615462709890363 /
03-21 07:16:06.820: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2573): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 7137
objects / 439928 bytes in 116ms
03-21 07:16:08.750: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2557): GC_EXPLICIT freed 328
objects / 16528 bytes in 96ms
03-21 07:16:09.670: DEBUG/dalvikvm(158): GC_EXPLICIT freed 22964
objects / 1049192 bytes in 284ms
03-21 07:16:10.100: INFO/vending(1401): [96] AssetDownloader
$DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.startNextDownload(): Found Paused
URI null
03-21 07:16:10.110: INFO/vending(1401): [96] AssetDownloader
$DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.startNextDownload(): No more paused
03-21 07:16:10.110: DEBUG/vending(1401): [96] AssetDownloader
$DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.handleDownloadCompletedAction(): Got
a download completed intent.
03-21 07:16:10.260: DEBUG/vending(1401): [96]
LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5180615462709890363 / null
03-21 07:16:10.340: DEBUG/vending(1401): [97] AssetDownloader
$DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.installFromUri(): Calling install
uri=content://downloads/download/812 src=null
asset=-5180615462709890363 (RobotMoose.TennisScore:8) [DOWNLOADING]
name=Tennis Score last=TRUE
03-21 07:16:10.730: DEBUG/vending(1401): [97]
LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5180615462709890363 / INSTALLING
03-21 07:16:10.880: DEBUG/vending(1401): [97]
VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification:
[AssetID=-5180615462709890363, NotificationID=-1700280694,
Title=Tennis Score, Message=Installing…]
03-21 07:16:11.260: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): hipri Received
state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList=
03-21 07:16:11.280: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for supl
03-21 07:16:11.280: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for mms
03-21 07:16:11.290: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(158): default
Received state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified),
apnTypeList= default,supl,mms
03-21 07:16:11.650: DEBUG/dalvikvm(248): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 10547
objects / 534800 bytes in 334ms
03-21 07:16:11.760: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2708): GC_EXPLICIT freed 79
objects / 4104 bytes in 321ms
03-21 07:16:11.820: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(158):
onDataConnectionStateChanged 3
03-21 07:16:11.860: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec list
03-21 07:16:12.130: INFO/PackageHelper(2708): Size of container 2 MB
476117 bytes
03-21 07:16:12.130: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec create smdl2tmp1
2 fat {} 10014
03-21 07:16:12.210: DEBUG/MediaScannerService(2573):
IMediaScannerService.scanFile: /mnt/sdcard/download/downloadfile-9.apk
mimeType: application/
03-21 07:16:12.270: INFO//system/bin/newfs_msdos(117): /system/bin/
newfs_msdos: warning, /dev/block/dm-22 is not a character device
03-21 07:16:12.270: INFO//system/bin/newfs_msdos(117): /system/bin/
newfs_msdos: Skipping mount checks
03-21 07:16:12.280: INFO//system/bin/newfs_msdos(117): Bogus heads
from kernel - setting sane value
03-21 07:16:12.280: INFO//system/bin/newfs_msdos(117): Bogus sectors
from kernel - setting sane value
03-21 07:16:12.280: INFO//system/bin/newfs_msdos(117): /dev/block/
dm-22: 4176 sectors in 522 FAT32 clusters (4096 bytes/cluster)
03-21 07:16:12.280: INFO//system/bin/newfs_msdos(117): bps=512 spc=8
res=32 nft=2 sec=4221 mid=0xf0 spt=63 hds=64 hid=0 bspf=5 rdcl=2
infs=1 bkbs=2
03-21 07:16:12.320: INFO/logwrapper(117): /system/bin/newfs_msdos
terminated by exit(0)
03-21 07:16:12.320: VERBOSE/MediaProvider(2573): /mnt/sdcard volume
ID: 1369948579
03-21 07:16:12.320: INFO/Vold(117): Filesystem formatted OK
03-21 07:16:12.350: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec path smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:12.360: INFO/PackageHelper(2708): Created secure container
smdl2tmp1 at /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:12.370: INFO/DefContainer(2708): Created container for
smdl2tmp1 at path : /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:12.530: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2573): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8649
objects / 565024 bytes in 144ms
03-21 07:16:12.720: INFO/DefContainer(2708): Copied /mnt/sdcard/
download/downloadfile-9.apk to /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1/pkg.apk
03-21 07:16:12.770: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec finalize
03-21 07:16:12.960: INFO/DefContainer(2708): Finalized container
03-21 07:16:12.970: INFO/DefContainer(2708): Unmounting smdl2tmp1 at
path /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:13.070: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2708): GC_EXPLICIT freed 137
objects / 11224 bytes in 101ms
03-21 07:16:13.080: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec unmount smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:13.200: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec mount smdl2tmp1
{} 1000
03-21 07:16:13.430: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec path smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:13.440: DEBUG/PackageParser(158): Scanning package: /mnt/
03-21 07:16:13.670: INFO/PackageParser(158): RobotMoose.TennisScore:
compat added android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
03-21 07:16:14.060: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec unmount smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:14.200: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec rename smdl2tmp1
03-21 07:16:14.460: WARN/PackageManager(158): Mounting container
03-21 07:16:14.500: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec mount
RobotMoose.TennisScore-2 {} 1000
03-21 07:16:14.810: INFO/PackageManager(158): Succesfully renamed
smdl2tmp1 at path: /mnt/asec/smdl2tmp1 to RobotMoose.TennisScore-2 at
new path: /mnt/asec/RobotMoose.TennisScore-2
03-21 07:16:14.810: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec path
03-21 07:16:14.820: INFO/PackageHelper(158): Forcibly destroying
container RobotMoose.TennisScore-2
03-21 07:16:14.820: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(117): asec destroy
RobotMoose.TennisScore-2 force
03-21 07:16:15.210: DEBUG/dalvikvm(158): GC_EXPLICIT freed 10402
objects / 541152 bytes in 332ms
03-21 07:16:15.300: DEBUG/vending(1401): [24]
LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5180615462709890363 /
03-21 07:16:15.440: DEBUG/vending(1401): [24]
VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification:
[AssetID=-5180615462709890363, NotificationID=-1700280694,
Title=Tennis Score, Message=Installation unsuccessful.]
03-21 07:16:15.780: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1401): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 13256
objects / 830576 bytes in 328ms
03-21 07:16:15.780: INFO/vending(1401): [24] AssetDownloader
$MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Package install from
content://downloads/download/812 failed: Package file was not signed

Ideas, anyone?

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