Hi all.

Like always after reaching out for help i found a solution that's at
least for my case viable.
Editing the font itself by using ForgeFont's simplify function
Not only the Nexus One draws all letters now but also it really can
render the font.
Seems like the pretty complex font was just too much to handle for the
given devices.
Couldn't solve the problem why drawing the text with this font ended
up unable to draw some specific letters but i guess i should'n care
too much about it now.
But it would be interesting if anyone has an idea reagrding this case
cause i can't really explain why this happened.


On 28 Mrz., 16:59, ad_developer <android.develo...@burda.com> wrote:
> Hello folks.
> I've stumbled upon a small problem in my app which is driving me
> insane and i can't seem to find any viable solution for this.
> In my app i use a custom font which shouldn't be a big problem but
> actually is.
> Neither the Nexus One (running v2.2.2) or the emulator could render
> the text with this typefont. The textviews just remained empty with no
> size, as if there was no text given.
> A Samsung Galxy Tab and the Samsung Galaxy S don't have any problems
> with this font.
> (I'm sorry since this is a private font i can't provide it here)
> First question is if anybody ever experienced a similar problem and
> maybe found a solution?
> I couldn't find any so i tried a different approach:
> I created a custom view extending the TextView class and tried to
> overwirte the onDraw method to actually draw my text word by word
> using a paint object.
> This worked to some degree: at least the text was drawn but it was
> missing some effects from the font. So it was just white text. I could
> live with that but some characters still make problems: Ä, Ü, Ö, ä, ü
> and ö.
> These characters are just displayed as a rectangle with white border.
> I tried some things about this whole mess, even playing around with
> the original ttf file but it had no effects.
> Maybe someone here has an idea which could point me in the right
> direction to solve this problem, or even solved it already.
>  thank you and best regards

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