I am trying to implement a web browser within my app and using WebView
for that.

For playing youtube video I used the following resource to start
playing the video:

To stay in the webView when a link is pressed and not go to the web
browser, I had to add

    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url)
        return true;

This seems to work well if I am touching the screen to start the

However if I call webView.dispatchKeyEvent to navigate to the video
image on the screen and then send a dispatchKeyEvent
KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER Down followed by up, the image shows loading and
stays in the same state. So it did react to this key event but did not
start playing the video.

I noticed that if I touch on the video image, onShowCustomView is
called in WebChromeClient. However, if the a KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER is
sent to the selected video image, shouldOverrideUrlLoading is called.

Can anyone help how to get this video playing with a
dispatchKeyEvent ?


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