Hello. I need some help for the following problem:

My application is a combination of WebApp and Android app.

    * The user start within a Web Application (Wicket) on Android
Browser (f.e. http://myapp.com/doit)
    * The Android app is called from Browser via URI f.e. myapp://doit
    * Then the App calculates some stuff and calls the browser
(WebApp) via Intent

When the browser is called from the Android app (last step), then the
http session that was established in Step 1 gets lost.

I call the browser this way:

Uri uriUrl = Uri.parse("http://myapp.com/doit";);
Intent launchBrowser = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uriUrl);

Is there a way to call same browser instance (jsession), that was
opened in step 1 to continue the process?

It would be very nice if someone could give me a hint.

Regards, Sam

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