On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Peter Webb <r.peter.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My app has a "Restore Defaults" function in its Preference Activity. I
> want the user to confirm the selection with a box which says "Are you
> sure," with a OK button and a Cancel button. I built this using a
> ListPreference with two items and while it works it doesn't "look
> right".
> Is there some easy way to modify an existing Preference class to do
> this?

This feels to me like it should be an options menu choice, not a
preference. Preferences are settings, not actions. From the options
menu choice, you can display a regular AlertDialog.

If you disagree, you will need to write your own Preference. Writing a
DialogPreference is not that hard, though I forget whether you can
tailor the button captions, which you might need.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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