Hi all,

I'd like to develop a tool converting Android strings.xml files to
XLIFF files (http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/xliff-
core.html) for localization and vice versa.

Obviously strings processing is quite complicated on the Android
platform. While experimenting I've found the following:
- String can be quoted and unquoted
- Besides XML escaping there is Java-style escaping (\n, \uxxxx, ...)
- It seems as if there are reserved charaters like '@' or '?' (at
least at the beginning of unquoted strings)
- It seems as if whitespace is collapsed if a string is not quoted
- By default strings are interpreted as formatted strings, so you have
to be careful with '%' characters
- The <string> element can have additional attributes like "formatted"
- You can use HTML-markup in your strings
- You can use elements of foreign namespaces inside strings

To develop a working converter I need to know all the rules and
conversions Android applies on strings. Unfortunately the developer
guide seems to be incomplete with regards to string resources. Is
there a formal strings.xml file specification available? I haven't
found one so far.

In case there is no specification available: Does somebody know which
part of the Android code processes strings.xml files?

Thanks and best regards,

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