So I might have discovered my problem.

I borrowed a friends phone and tested my app on it. It works.
The device I had been testing it on was the motorola xoom (wifi only).

By logcat, it seems that on the phone (CM6), does make the call to 
onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt, while the tablet does not  (edit: and my 
old phone - also CM6 - does not make the call to 
onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt) .

- no sim card?
  - if that is the case, can I force it to get location from wifi?
- difference in permissions required? (unlikely, because dream is running 
the same ROM - although the dream already has issues. It got thrown across 
the room and hasn't been quite the same since)

My company is planning on using the xoom with the data connection when we 
roll out, does someone own one that could test and make sure the sample 
works? I can export and sign the sample, or if you can make it from the 
source I specified at the start of the thread.
That being said - is there some explanation about why the app won't perform 
the call to onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt?

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