Please, any insights would be of great help..

On Apr 27, 10:57 pm, Gabriel Simões <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I´ve been trying to figure a way out to search MediaStore.Audio.Albums
> and MediaStore.Audio.Media to retrieve a list of mp3 albums and
> organize them in an expandablelistview.
> In the end what I haven´t been able to do is to retrieve information
> about existing albums with mp3 files. I can list all albums and
> retrieve their songs but can´t filter which albums have mp3s and which
> haven´t.
> Listing albums (all registered albums with audio files of any
> extension):
>          String[] cols = new String[] {
>                  MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID,
>                  MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST,
>                  MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM,
>                  MediaStore.Audio.Albums.NUMBER_OF_SONGS
>          };
>          Uri uriExternal =
> MediaStore.Audio.Albums.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
>          Uri uriInternal =
> MediaStore.Audio.Albums.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
>          Cursor externalCursor =
> getContentResolver().query(uriExternal, cols, null, null,
> MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ", " +
> MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM);
>          Cursor internalCursor =
> getContentResolver().query(uriInternal, cols, null, null,
> MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST + ", " +
> MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM);
> Do I need to run a SQL or can I archive the results I need using
> getContentResolver().query()? I couldn´t figure out a way to use WHERE
> clause or also search DISTINCT MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM filtering
> MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA
> Thanks for your help,
> Gabriel Simões

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