Some more clarification... The byte order is not preserved with
duplicate(), slice() and potentially other NIO methods, but those two
for sure.

So if you have a FloatBuffer w/ native byte order of LITTLE_ENDIAN
call duplicate() on it will result in a view with BIG_ENDIAN byte
order on Honeycomb.

Be careful. This could break a lot of 3rd party APIs that even
moderately use the functionality of NIO.

Here is the output of the test app above with addition of showing byte

"duplicate()" on the desktop / J2SE 5.0 and the G2x /
Android 2.2 maintain byte order:

NIOTest ----------
Native ByteOrder: LITTLE_ENDIAN
buffer byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
buffer2 byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
bufferWrite2 byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
buffer.get(): 65536
buffer2.get(): 65536

On the G-Slate / Honeycomb:

NIOTest ----------
Native ByteOrder: LITTLE_ENDIAN
buffer byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
buffer2 byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
bufferWrite2 byte order: BIG_ENDIAN
buffer.get(): 65536
buffer2.get(): 256

If you must call duplicate() you should do it on the ByteBuffer and
explicitly call order(<byte order>). The following code is how I
create a duplicate FloatBuffer now for a "read / write head" on the


      ByteBuffer tempBuffer = direct ?
ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity * s_SIZE_OF_FLOAT) :
       ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity * s_SIZE_OF_FLOAT);;

      buffer1 = nativeOrder ?
tempBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asFloatBuffer() :

      read = nativeOrder ?
tempBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asFloatBuffer( ) :

      write = nativeOrder ?
tempBuffer.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asFloatBuffer() :


Apparently this will be fixed in ICS.  Be warned though this
potentially can break a lot of code that depends on NIO.


On Apr 28, 3:22 pm, MichaelEGR <> wrote:
> Greets,
> I found a critical Java NIO flaw in Honeycomb / Android 3.0.
> If "duplicate()" is called on a Buffer and that duplicate view is used
> to write to the buffer data integrity is not guaranteed. This is a
> regression for Honeycomb only at this point.
> I got stuck with a ~45 hour debug cycle to catch this as it affected
> my usage of the NIO and the OpenGL ES API resulting in no rendering
> due to bad data. Unfortunately any usage of the NIO API and
> duplicate() will cause problems regardless if it's networking, other
> JNI usage, etc. This is a critical NIO flaw.
> Please vote for this issue as it's critical and could affect a lot of
> code out there; not just mine...
> For fun you can read about the "pain and horror" this caused me:
> Test Example:
> On all Java / J2SE platforms 1.4, 5.0, 6.0 and Android OS version 1.0
> - 2.3 the value of index 1 of buffer & buffer2 is 0x10000 (65535). On
> Android 3.0 / Honeycomb index 1 of buffer is 65535 and buffer 2 is
> 256.. Clearly a major if not critical flaw in Honeycomb for usage of
> the NIO API and calling duplicate() on a Buffer. Any code using NIO
> and duplicate() will likely break on Honeycomb.
> ---------------------
> package
> com.egrsoftware.niotest;
> import
> java.nio.ByteBuffer;
> import
> java.nio.ByteOrder;
> import
> java.nio.IntBuffer;
> /
> **
>  * NIOTest - Extremely simple unit test that Google should include in
> Android because it catches a bug in NIO that is
>  * found in Android 3.0 / Honeycomb. This is a really nefarious bug as
> the affected code could be networking code, any
>  * native JNI code, or in my case 3D rendering via the Android OpenGL
> ES API. Any code using NIO and "duplicate()" is
>  *
> broken.
> *
>  * On all Java platforms with NIO and Android versions 1.0 to 2.3 both
> buffers should print out 65535. On Android /
>  * Honeycomb the 1st value in buffer 1 is 65535 and buffer 2 is
> 256!!!! Clearly a bug that any simple unit testing
>  * should have found.  This bug affects _ALL_ code that uses the NIO
> duplicate() method on a Buffer. The fall out of
>  * this is immense! This is a critical
> bug!
> */
> public class
> NIOTest
> {
>    private static int s_SIZE_OF_INT =
> 4;
>    public static void
> test()
> {
>       IntBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1 *
> s_SIZE_OF_INT).order(
> ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asIntBuffer();
>       IntBuffer buffer2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1 *
> s_SIZE_OF_INT).order(
> ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asIntBuffer();
>       IntBuffer bufferWrite2 =
> buffer2.duplicate();
>       buffer.put(0, 0x10000);  //put
> 65535
>       bufferWrite2.put(0,
> 0x10000);
>       System.err.println("NIOTest
> ----------");
>       System.err.println("buffer.get(): "
> +buffer.get());
>       System.err.println("buffer2.get(): "
> +buffer2.get());
>    }
>    public static void main(String
> args[])
> {
> test();
>    }
> }

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