sorry but I don't understand what you said

On May 5, 9:52 am, Kostya Vasilyev <> wrote:
> Copying back to the list.
> This looks like an emulator issue. Can you access the site with the
> emulator's web browser? I would guess not.
> And looking at the last line in the log:
> Address family not supported by protocol
> I would guess that it's IPv6 related.
> PS - Don't use hardcoded strings for intent actions, there are constants
> like Intent.ACTION_VIEW.
> -- Kostya
> 05.05.2011 10:37, beginer пишет:
> > thanks Kostya
> > I put
> >                    lblTitulo.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
> >                            public void onClick(View v) {
> >                                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> >                               //TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById( 
> > );
> >                               Intent browserIntent = new 
> > Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW",
> > Uri.parse("";));
> >                               startActivity(browserIntent);
> >                           //tv.setText(la_dire);
> >                          // Linkify.addLinks( tv, Linkify.WEB_URLS );
> >                            }
> >                    });
> > and it go good!!!!
> > BUt when I put my url, dosen't work, the code is this:
> > final String la_dire = miLista.get(position).getLink();
> >                    //System.out.println(la_dire);
> >                    lblTitulo.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
> >                            public void onClick(View v) {
> >                                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> >                               //TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById( 
> > );
> >                               Intent browserIntent = new 
> > Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW",
> > Uri.parse(la_dire));
> >                               startActivity(browserIntent);
> >                           //tv.setText(la_dire);
> >                          // Linkify.addLinks( tv, Linkify.WEB_URLS );
> >                            }
> >                    });
> > The emulator said this:
> > 05-05 06:27:10.256: INFO/System.out(391):
> > [net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef34c8, net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef42e8,
> > net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef45f8, net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef48c0,
> > net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef5560, net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef65f8,
> > net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef6848, net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef6cb0,
> > net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef7010, net.sgoliver.Evento@44ef7428]
> > 05-05 06:27:10.465: INFO/System.out(391):            
> >
> > 05-05 06:27:10.545: INFO/System.out(391):  
> > 05-05 06:27:10.577: INFO/System.out(391):  
> > 05-05 06:27:10.817: INFO/ActivityManager(59): Displayed activity
> > net.sgoliver/.AndroidXml: 2073 ms (total 2073 ms)
> > 05-05 06:27:16.046: DEBUG/dalvikvm(119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 658
> > objects / 36880 bytes in 129ms
> > 05-05 06:27:21.136: DEBUG/dalvikvm(214): GC_EXPLICIT freed 156
> > objects / 11168 bytes in 165ms
> > 05-05 06:27:26.156: DEBUG/dalvikvm(261): GC_EXPLICIT freed 250
> > objects / 11856 bytes in 138ms
> > 05-05 06:27:26.440: DEBUG/SntpClient(59): request time failed:
> > Address family not supported by protocol
> > 05-05 06:32:02.775: INFO/ActivityManager(59): Starting activity:
> > Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=
> > 05-05 06:32:02.775: INFO/ActivityManager(59):
> >}
> > 05-05 06:32:02.775: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(391): Shutting down VM
> > 05-05 06:32:02.786: WARN/dalvikvm(391): threadid=1: thread exiting
> > with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800)
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):
> > android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle
> > Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):
> >}
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > 1408)
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > 1378)
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > net.sgoliver.AndroidXml$EventoAdapter$1.onClick(
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > android.view.View.performClick(
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at android.view.View
> > $
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > android.os.Looper.loop(
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > $
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> >
> > 05-05 06:32:02.796: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(391):     at
> > dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
> > 05-05 06:32:02.816: WARN/ActivityManager(59):   Force finishing
> > activity net.sgoliver/.AndroidXml
> > 05-05 06:32:03.327: WARN/ActivityManager(59): Activity pause timeout
> > for HistoryRecord{44fccd28 net.sgoliver/.AndroidXml}
> > 05-05 06:32:04.965: INFO/Process(391): Sending signal. PID: 391 SIG: 9
> > 05-05 06:32:04.987: INFO/ActivityManager(59): Process net.sgoliver
> > (pid 391) has died.
> > 05-05 06:32:04.987: INFO/WindowManager(59): WIN DEATH: Window{44feca10
> > net.sgoliver/net.sgoliver.AndroidXml paused=false}
> > 05-05 06:32:05.046: WARN/InputManagerService(59): Got RemoteException
> > sending setActive(false) notification to pid 391 uid 10037
> > 05-05 06:32:14.146: WARN/ActivityManager(59): Activity destroy timeout
> > for HistoryRecord{44fccd28 net.sgoliver/.AndroidXml}
> > 05-05 06:32:26.485: DEBUG/SntpClient(59): request time failed:
> > Address family not supported by protocol
> > What is the problem?
> > Thank you
> > On May 4, 11:20 am, Kostya Vasilyev<>  wrote:
> >> You can set an onClickListener for the view, and use ACTION_VIEW for
> >> your "http://..."; URI.
> >>
> >> -- Kostya
> >> 04.05.2011 12:44, beginer пишет:
> >>> When I click labelTitle, the link appeared, and you can click there
> >>> and open the url . BUt What I want isn´t this, I want when I click in
> >>> the labelTitle to open the url directly, I don´t want to have to click
> >>> in the url.
> >>> How can I do this?
> >>> thank you very much, excuse my english.
> >> --
> >> Kostya Vasilyev --
> --
> Kostya Vasilyev --

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