The fundamental problem with starting with a human-managed password is that 
there is not a lot of entropy -- the possible values are not distributed 
over a huge range, compared to what an attacker could try with 

So just doing SHA1 or SHA256 for that matter, is not sufficient for a strong 
key generation algorithm.

The first thing you need to address are dictionary attacks, where the 
attacker can pre-compute a large dictionary of keys from likely passwords. 
Here, you can inject randomness into the process. What you do is to start 
with a large random number, termed a 'salt'. This is not a secret -- you'll 
save it away in cleartext somehow, and then combine it with the user's 
password. While the attacker could afford to build a dictionary of keys 
based on passwords, a dictionary of possible salt values + passwords would 
be vastly larger.

The other thing you need to do is to protect against trial-and-error 
attacks. To do this, what you do is make it expensive enough to compute the 
key that an attacker simply couldn't try enough to get anywhere. The usual 
way of doing this is to iterate some expensive function -- such as SHA1. 
More precisely, you iterate this:

hash = f(hash)

where f is some function that is expensive, and does not collapse the space 
of possible values into some smaller set. One way to accomplish this would 
f(hash) = hash <xor> sha1(hash).

I went with SHA1 above, because I want to tie this to PBKDF2, which Nikolay 

What I outline above is roughly what PBKDF2 does for you. You can read the 
full details in rfc2898 <>, and I 
encourage you to do so. I did skip over a lot of detail to focus on the 
motivation and approach.

So there are basically two parameters -- the salt (selected randomly) and 
the iteration count (selected to make it expensive but not too expensive). 
 iOS4 uses I believe something like 10000 iterations. Blackberry used 1, and 
was seriously pwned as a result.

Together, these compensate for the narrow range of human-generated 

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