By the way, you have it backwards, I think.

newStr = new String(AlbumCursor.getString(1).getBytes("utf-8"), "sjis");

That is, get the bytes of the string as they are internally, as UTF-8, and 
then re-interpret them as SJIS.

On Friday, May 13, 2011 10:56:49 AM UTC-7, wang wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have some Japanese music on device, I try to write program to get 
> every music's detail information from media store using 
> public static final String[] DataProjection = new String[]{ 
>           MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID, 
>  MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM, 
>  MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST, 
>  MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA, 
> }; 
> but when I query the data from media store database, it give me string 
> with mojibakes (garbage characters), so I want to do convert before 
> media store scan the music file, Although I know how to convert, for 
> example "SJIS" to "UTF-8" like 
> newStr = new 
> String(AlbumCursor.getString(1).getBytes("sjis"),"utf-8"); 
> but I cant not know what encoding the string, so can not convert it to 
> UTF-8, someone can give me help or solution, thank you!!!

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