On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 7:39 AM, am.fraga.led <am.fraga....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you possibly help me with this problem?

Your database does not have the table. Try uninstalling and
reinstalling the application, to force your code to rebuild the table
(e.g., SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate()).

> Something, more:
> I access directly to the phone´s memory (the real device) with a
> terminal.
> I check the database exists in the specific rute:
> /data/data/my_package/databases/my_database

You do not have access to that file on a production Android device
from the shell, sorry.

> The list above doesn´t show my database!!
> Is this situation fine??

You do not have access to that file on a production Android device
from the shell, sorry. Hence, yes, this is expected behavior.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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