Fixed subject.

As well, it appears from what I can tell if I accept

"I agree and I
am willing to associate my credit card and account registration above
with the Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement."

With the credit card from someone else then the developer side of the account will be forever locked to that person. It just feels wrong that the credit card is used for anything more than just payment.

On 11-05-18 06:04 PM, Halsafar wrote:
I am creating an android developer account to put an app I made on the
market.  I was an unwise teenager with my financial self many years
ago and thus do not have a credit card.  My significant other was more
than willing to help out.  However it appears that by signing up under
my Google account but using her cc it seems to want to register the
account in her name.  It might just be deceiving but after submitting
payment I get to the screen asking me to accept this: "I agree and I
am willing to associate my credit card and account registration above
with the Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement."  However in
the box above it says "Registered To: XXX" where XXX is my significant
others name.  I'd like everything to remain in my name and use my bank
account but for the credit card payment I'm getting outside help.  It
seems Google does not support this or am I reading all this wrong?  It
also turns out I might have a cc of my own in 2-3 weeks but would
prefer not to wait that long.  So if in the future I can change the
credit card associated that would work too.  I do not want to screw
this up since I'd prefer not to lose $25.


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