Hi Ravi thanks for reply. actually it will becomes more complicated.
Because server is sending data 2-3 times within a second And it will
not be good idea to store data such a frequently.

Can somebody please provide me a guideline How I can check whether
some key (here Name ) is already exist in listview?

On May 25, 11:46 am, Ravi <ravivya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You could store the new data form the socket into a DB or content
> provider and on every update just call notifiyDatasetchanged on the
> list adapter.
> On May 25, 9:13 am, "pramod.deore" <deore.pramo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all, I am developing an application in that I am receiving
> > continous data through socket. Now I want to display this data in list
> > view. Suppose I got data of 3 records and I am showing this data in
> > listview as
> > EmpName    EmpId     MobNo
> > Pramod           12        789
> > Tom                11        456
> > Harry               45       123
> > Now suppose record for Pramod changes now it must be visible as
> > EmpName    EmpId     MobNo
> > Pramod           22        723
> > Tom                11        456
> > Harry               45       123
> > Here Name will never change only other filed will change. Now I want
> > to check whether EmpName is exist or not if Name is already exist then
> > update other filed of that record and if Name is not exist then create
> > new row.
> > I had tried something like this as:
> > TreeSet ts = new TreeSet<String>();
> > .....
> > ......
> > if(ts.add(tokens[5]))   //I am checking this for record is exist or
> > not? If record is not exist then create row.But I am not able to write
> > else part where if record existed but I want to update that row.
> > {
> >      showList();
> > }
> > public void showList()
> > {
> >         mylist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
> >         map = new HashMap<String, String>();
> >         map.put("Name", tokens[2]);
> >         map.put("EmpId", tokens[4]);
> >         map.put("MobNo", tokens[5]);
> >                 mylist.add(map);
> >         SimpleAdapter mSchedule = new SimpleAdapter(this, mylist,
> > R.layout.listcolumns,
> >                                     new String[] {"Name", "EmpId", 
> > "MobNo"}, new int[]
> > {R.id.Name, R.id.EmpId, R.id.MobNo});
> >         list.setAdapter(mSchedule);
> > }
> > But using this it create only one row. Please help me to solve this
> > issue. Thanks in advance.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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