On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:23 AM, Dani <eraofw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the best way to make data visibile only for your clients app?

Put it in the "internal" storage (i.e., getFilesDir(),
openOutputStream()). That will protect it against other apps. It will
not protect it against users, which is impossible.

> I know that the complete protection is impossible, 'cause that the
> source code is in the hand of the "attacker" and with a good reverse
> engineering all protections fall.

Beyond that, anyone who roots their phone has access to everything. If
the data is something the user cannot be allowed to access at all,
ever, do not store it on the phone.

> So I was thinking about some sort of user registration, to have the
> possibility to ban bad clients.

What is a "bad client"?

> So is there a way to make this without
> stressing the user?

What is "this"?

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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