Siva G wrote:
> When I try this snippet I get a message saying "No Applications can
> perform this action." Is there something else I should take care of
> like in the manifest file?

An application needs to be on the device or emulator that knows how to 
handle ACTION_SEND of MIME type "message/rfc822".

So, for example, on the 1.0r1 emulator, there is no such application 

Reputedly, 1.0r2 has the email application built in, and this problem 
occurs there too. That I can't explain, but I haven't experimented with 
1.0r2 just yet.

You should not be getting this error on a G1 or, presumably, the Android 
Dev Phone 1.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.9 Available!

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