In my adapter code I only ever return a single type of view from
getView().  This view always has a field with an id of

A non-zero percentage of the time I am given a convertView in the
parameters passed to getView() and the code:


will return null.  I have no idea what view the framework is passing
to me, but it bears no resemblance to anything I returned from

On Dec 18, 10:20 am, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> loty wrote:
> > I can definitely do the same but it seems super strange to me that it
> > would return anything other than what I created in the initial call.
> getView() gets called more than once.
> > Is there any rhyme or reason for what this function gets in the
> > convertView parameter?
> Sure. It's a View that is being recycled. It is one of the ones you
> created earlier. Exactly *which* one of the ones you created earlier is
> unpredictable, since it is based upon user actions, mostly scrolling or
> otherwise traversing the list.
> > Very very mysterious explanation - we'll send you a view and it may or
> > may not be the right view.
> My guess is that you are thinking of lists containing only a single sort
> of entry.
> There's nothing in the AdapterView API that requires all Views returned
> by the adapter's getView() to all be the exact same type of View.
> There is nothing preventing you from creating an Adapter that returns
> multiple disparate types of views. For example, I have a ListView that
> returns Views for email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and
> what could best be described as "menu choices". Each of those views are
> a bit different in their layout.
> That's part of the reason they added in getViewTypeCount() and
> getItemViewType(int position), to help them be more efficient about the
> recycling process, to increase the odds that the convertView passed into
> getView() is one you *can* recycle.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.9 Published!
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