On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 1:28 PM, rich friedel <rich.frie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is exactly how SMS/MMS works. You have one phone number, all incoming
> and outgoing messages are normally handled via the stock messaging
> application. If you install a third-party application all the messages still
> go into the stock message app even though they are not intended to do so
> (just like I wouldn't want my Yahoo email ending up in my Gmail inbox).

But that is not required behavior of third-party SMS clients.

> This behavior is pretty much why users expect to see your outgoing message
> in their "stock" application. Furthermore, there is absolutely no indication
> to the user what-so-ever that the "stock" messaging application is in fact a
> third-party application. It is presented from the beginning as if it a
> default built-in part of Android.

Only on those devices that ship it.

> With all that said, I get your argument here and elsewhere regarding this
> issue. I fully agree with it too! However, I feel that the way that SMS/MMS
> messaging is implemented and presented by the device manufacturers forces
> the developer's hand into having to use the stock app's storage content
> provider.

Only if that provider is there.

Don't get me wrong. IMHO, the various content providers (SMS,
calendar, etc.) should have been in the OS, rather than in their
respective applications. However, they aren't, and they are not part
of the Compatibility Definition Document. As a result, they do not
have to exist on any given Market device.

We have enough problem making compatible applications when everybody
plays by the documented rules. Developers who invent their own rules,
as you have above, are simply asking for trouble down the road, just
as those who invented "all devices will be 320x480" and "all devices
will have /sdcard" did. I am sure that those developers had unshakable
faith in those truths as you do in yours, despite Googlers saying not
to do any of that.

IOW, the status may not always be quo.

> btw I know there is supposedly a way to take priority in an ordered
> broadcast, however I think on most devices the incoming message will always
> be delivered to the "stock" inbox no matter what priority you set.



> In other
> words, I don't believe it is possible to consistently intercept and/or
> prevent a message from ending up in the stock message storage system.

Nope. See the above project for a sample.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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