Thanks Chris for replying.

You are right in saying that android requires developers to write an
event-driven code and that effort needs to be put for designing the
whole chain of events.

But for the following case as shown below, I don't think one can get
rid of the NullPointerException thrown in onClick() method of
MyServiceClient; Unless instead of storing Service Interface globally,
one stores it locally.

//class MyServiceClient in separate file - Used for accessing the
service via a wrapper class
class MyServiceClient extends Activity
         //store a reference to service interface
         private ISomeServiceInterface mService = null;                 //
reference stored globally here

         public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            //some lines
            ServiceWrapperClass svc = new
            //access the service
            mService = svc.getService()                        //the
getService() method returns null
            //Integer someValue = mService.someFunc(1,
2);             //Moved the line into onClick() method

            //using a button's onClick event to call some function on the
            Button btn = (Button)findViewById(;
            btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

                                public void onClick(View v) {
                                        Integer someValue = 
mService.someFunc(1, 2);             //
NullPointerException still thrown here as mService was null


//class ServiceWrapperClass in separate file - Used for binding to
service and providing the service instance to client
class ServiceWrapperClass
        private static ISomeServiceInterface myService;

        public ServiceWrapperClass(Context context) {
                //create intent to connect to service
                Intent serviceIntent = new Intent("some.uri");
                //access the service
                Integer someValue = myService.someFunc(1,
2);             // NullPointerException here - How to make sure
service should be running before any function is called on the
service ?

        private ServiceConnection progressBarServiceConn = new
                public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name,
                                IBinder service)
                        myService =
                public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name)
                        myService = null;
        public ISomeServiceInterface getService()
                return myService;

On Jul 22, 11:54 am, Chris Stratton <> wrote:
> On Thursday, July 21, 2011 1:26:54 AM UTC-4, Animesh Sinha wrote:
> > The issue is that I need to call the service methods as soon as it is
> > connected.
> > So, Is there any way by which I can execute the functions of service
> > JUST AFTER binding is complete ?
> > It takes around 10-20ms for binding, I tried to make use
> > Thread.sleep(30); but it delayed the service from being connected by
> > the same sleep duration, therefore not solving the problem.
> The problem is that android requires you to write event driven code here.  
> It can't deliver a new event until you return from the current event.  If
> you sleep, you just delay the return, and thus the new event delivery which
> can only occur after that.
> You are going to have to do a lot of re-thinking of how to architect this
> whole process as a chain of events.  Yes, it's painful, but you'll get
> better at that kind of re-shuffling with time.
> > On Jul 20, 6:33 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> > > On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 12:21 PM, animeshsi <> wrote:
> > > > Is there some way by which I can make sure that the service binding is
> > > > complete before any access is made to functions provided by the
> > > > service ?
> > > Don't try using the Binder until onServiceConnected() is called.
> > <>

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