Hallo Fernando,

>> From what I've read in the PN544 User Manual, I don't think that there
>> is an equvalent for the wired mode with SWP/HCI (I would be happy to be
>> proven wrong).
> Well, here is where the  phHal4Nfc_Switch_Swp_Mode()  comes. It is
> analog to the phHal4Nfc_Switch_SMX_Mode() which is used to set the
> wired mode to work with the SmartMX.
> I modified the function to use phHal4Nfc_Switch_Swp_Mode() with
> parameter eSWP_Switch_On (this parameter has an incorrect value by
> default, it must be enabled by using nemik's patches).

If you are refering to this patch:

Then I don't see how it changes the value of eSWP_Switch_On

typedef enum phHal_eSWP_Mode{
  eSWP_Switch_Off      = 0x00U,   /* SWP Link is Switched off */
+ //eSWP_Switch_Off,   /* SWP Link is Switched off */
  eSWP_Switch_Default, /* SWP is in Default Configuration Mode */
- eSWP_Switch_On       /* SWP Link is Switched on */
+ eSWP_Switch_On       /* SWP Link is Switched on */
+ //eSWP_Switch_On        = 0x00U /* SWP Link is Switched on */
} phHal_eSWP_Mode_t;

After this patch eSWP_Switch_On still is 0x02. Which is in fact the
correct value according to PN544 user manual:

  SWP Switch Mode Event Parameters:
      Value   Description
      0x00    Off (deactivated)
      0x01    Default mode
      0x02    On (activated)
      others  RFU

So there is no equivalent to the wired mode, but only options to
enable/disable external emulation.

> When it comes to RIL issue. I patched the sources with SEEK diffs too
> but rild daemon crashes. SEEK mantainers say it is due to baseband
> processor not implementing required (AT+CSIM, AT+CCHO, AT+CCHC, AT+CGLA)
> commands (http://code.google.com/p/seek-for-android/wiki/UICCSupport).


> Is there any way to reverse engineer baseband firmware or get access to
> a modified version implementing those commands? Or has anyone discovered
> whether Samsung has other propietary commands achieving the same results
> (raw APDU exchange with SIM/UICC)?

I believe this would be the most promising direction. Unfortunately, I
haven't found much information on this.


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