I am developing an Android Security Enhancer.
     I created a native service named myphone, and replaced android
phone service with myphone, and it can successfully intercepte the
     BUT, when I tried to create a native service name myactivity, and
tried to replace android activity service, that wants to itercepte
others API such as sms data query, I failed.

     I find some difference in activity service and other services,
such as:
     In ActivityManagerNative.java

     public boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply,
int flags) throws RemoteException
            IApplicationThread app =
ApplicationThreadNative.asInterface(data.readStrongBinder());   //
difference in activity service: cast as IApplicationThread
            if (app != null)
            return true;

      I think there are some differences between activity service and
others service so, I can not do the 'Man In The Middle' to intercepte

      Could anybody please give some hints on this failure?

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