On Aug 10, 6:18 pm, TreKing <treking...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 10:38 AM, b0b <pujos.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > As said by Mark, you can ignore anything below Android 2.1 as it
> > is irrelevant.
> Mark said: "Ignore Android 1.5 for new development." Key word "new".

Of course for *new* apps. Unless you're tired of supporting 1.x

> > Android 2.1 is decling very fast an will be almost irrelevant  in 6 months.
> Do you have stats to back that up?

Not really except stat numbrs for my app (see below)

> http://developer.android.com/resources/dashboard/platform-versions.html
> 15.2% - that's a fairly decent chunk and given phones usually run on 2-year
> contracts and carriers suck at keeping phones up to date, I doubt that will
> drop to "irrelevant" levels in just 6 months.

> I have not done anything tablet-specific, but my app is running on twice the
> number 1.5 devices and thrice the number of 1.6 devices as 3.0.

As you said YMMV.  My 2.1+ app has only 4.8% users running 2.1 (I
don't think the stat console tracks 2.1.1 so it may be add a few more
% on 2.1.x). Gingerbread users % is getting near Froyo's. But it
really depends on the app. My audience is somewhat more tech savy than
the norm  and thus more likely to have recent Android. Also adapting
an app to Honeycomb will bring users as they are starved for HC
specific apps. There's not that much competition (yet).

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