On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Wolf <rjgoeh...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> My application works fine using API 7 and API 8 for changing device
> orientation and reverting back with the screen and all state
> variables. However,starting with API 9 and moving forward the screen
> switches from portrait/vertical to landscape/horizontal fine with all
> variables intact but on reverting back into the vertical/portrait mode
> the screen does not readjust its orientation. It has all components
> running vertically instead of horizontally in the portrait screen
> (literally top to bottom rather than left to right).  The application
> has android:orientation ="vertical",  android:screenOrientation
> ="portrait" specified in the XML layout file. Any help or hints would
> be appreciated...

There is a bug in the API Level 9 and 10 emulators. You should not
experience this problem on other emulators or on API Level 9/10

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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