+1 to blake's comments.

A couple more points, inline:

blake wrote:
> Chris is right, that gets rid of the error, but I bet it is not what 
> bob is trying to accomplish.  Chris' solution will create a Java array 
> of 9 Vectors. 
> I have a couple of suggestions, here: 
> 1) Don't ever use Vectors.  They are historical cruft.  Use List and 
> ArrayList 

In particular, the methods of 'Vector' are synchronized, which is often not 
what you want or need, and it contains legacy methods and members that are 
not compatible with the collections framework.   'Vector' has been out of 
date since 1998!  It never ceases to amaze me that people still want to use 
it.  I will bet dollars to doughnuts that the OP wasn't programming with 
Java yet in 1998.

2) Don't mix generics and Java arrays.  It gets weird 

That's putting it mildly.  The Java Language Specification explicitly 
states, "... the element type in an array creation expression cannot be a 
parameterized type, other than an unbounded wildcard." 

> I suspect that what bob wants is 
> import java.util.List; 
> public class Oracle { 
>         public static List<Article> articles; 
>         public static void init(){ 
>                 articles = new ArrayList<Article>(9); 
>         } 
> } 
> ... and you can leave the "9" out, because the ArrayList will grow as 

Note blake declares the variable 'articles' as type 'List' rather than an 
unnecessarily specific type, adhering to "Item 52: Refer to objects by their 
interfaces" from _Effective Java_ by Joshua Bloch.

Chris wrote: 
> >> articles = new Vector<Article>[9]; 
> > 
> > try articles = (Vector<Article>[]) new Vector[9]; 

Again, neither of these is legal.  You can get around it with 
'@SuppressWarnings', but shouldn't.

The chapter on generics from _Effective Java_ [_op. cit._] is free to 
download and will help here.

Take heed of "Item 23: Don't use raw types in new code".


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