More on this Exception. I triggered it accidently by quitting and 
relaunching my app quickly and got the following logcat

Application.onCreate() is called
08-25 15:41:33.003: WARN/ActivityThread(16118): ClassLoader.loadClass: The 
class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for 
processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a 
context class loader. For example: 
...soon after at init when the first AsyncTask is loaded:
08-25 15:41:39.179: WARN/dalvikvm(16118): Exception 
Ljava/lang/RuntimeException; thrown while initializing 
...and boom a bit later:

08-25 15:41:46.152: ERROR/ACRA(16118): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
                             <rest of backtrace>

So the classloader failed to load android.os.AsyncTask from which we are 
warned it may happen from the initial warning.
 I could not find this message anywhere in Android source but I'm using 

My app has a Service from another package that is run in the same process 
than the app package. To make the warning disappear about the classloader I 
to  add


as the first line of entry point functions of both packages running in the 
same process  (it would still appear if done in one package but not the 

Has anyone a more detailed explanation of this behaviour and if the above 
actually fix it ?

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