On Sep 1, 7:20 pm, Caleb Gray <photonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First post, go easy on me. :P
> I searched around and haven't found anyone else even remotely talking
> about this problem:
> I have three virtual devices running: HDPI (854x480, Density: 240)
> MDPI (480x320, Density: 160) and LDPI (432x240, Density: 120)
> I'm drawing text with the following paint:
> Paint paint = new EnginePaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
> paint.setColor(Color.WHITE);
> paint.setTextSize(24.0f *
> getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity);
> Screenshot:http://go.calebgray.com/km
> As you can see the vertical spacing for MDPI is incorrect, the words
> "dialog" and "look to" should be at the same y coordinate. (Look at
> the number "2" above the "yes" button, it's in the same position on
> HDPI and LDPI, but not for MDPI).
> I've also attempted to use 24.0f *
> (getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels / 320.0f) but the
> result is the same.
> In case it's not the text size and it's actually how I'm measuring the
> text height, here is my multiline spacing code:
>     for (int i = 0; i < _lines.length; i++) {
>       canvas.drawText(_lines[i], drawX, drawY -
> paint.getFontMetricsInt().top + (i *
> Math.abs(paint.getFontMetricsInt().bottom -
> paint.getFontMetricsInt().top)), paint);
>     }
> Thanks for your help! :D
> - Caleb

Dont draw multiple lines manually, use 


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