If you want to authenticate via a common database,you can create a wcf
service and authenticate via that and may be save a auth token which
can be reused by othr parts of the app

On Sep 4, 6:30 pm, "Greg D." <greg.dew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just got done with "Hello, Android" from Pragmatic and have my first
> question.  My apologies for the newbie-ish-ness.  I'm coming from the
> Windows / C# / .NET world...
> How would you recommend creating a common authentication / login
> module for my use in multiple applications?
> The product that I want to create is actually a suite of
> applications... smaller apps that work together as a whole.  There are
> several components (Views, sequences, services, etc.) that I see being
> needed for all of the applications.  For example, the opening sequence
> and the login / enrollment views.  I'm looking for some guidance on
> how to create those reusable views / modules.
> The enrollment / signup process of my suite connects to a WCF web
> service and walks the user through either creating an account or
> linking their account to their phone.  It will also allow the user to
> authenticate if they are already signed up.  The book I read
> unfortunately only TOUCHES upon creating reusable applications...
> doesn't really go into detail about it.  I'm also not sure if having a
> separate enrollment application in the application list is desirable.
> Thanks --
> -- Greg D.

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