[Reposted because of a corrupted v0.46 APK file earlier today]

The vOICe "augmented reality for the blind" app (version 0.47 beta)
now includes TTS 1.2 support, and is available from


or from the Market (multimedia section).

The vOICe silently detects if the user has TTS 1.2 installed, and will
not push the TTS library download upon the user with a popup dialog
(displayInstallMessage is false). It just uses the TTS library if it
is present (it too can be installed from the Market).

On the G1, one can change focus without clicking by using the
trackball, and focus changes and clicked items are spoken separately.
Blind users will, for lack of a system wide screen reader, still need
assistance with software installation and the creation of keyboard
shortcuts via Applications - Quick launch.

Of course, speed performance on the G1 is still quite sluggish for
lack of a JIT compiler or equivalent, but other than that it is not
too bad.


On Dec 22, 9:22 am, blindfold <seeingwithso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had problems too a couple of days ago, and then needed to use
> anotherTTSstub .jar. I'm not sure if the material underneath the
> tutorial links has in the mean-time been adapted accordingly, but
> check out the discussion at
> http://groups.google.com/group/tts-for-android/browse_thread/thread/9...
> just in case this relates to your problem.
> Regards
> On Dec 22, 7:21 am, Wesley <sit06...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi,
> > I try nihaoworld_demo.apk 
> > athttp://eyes-free.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/documentation/tutorial/tuto...
> > no sound one??? it stop atTTSservices, then nothing happen... is it I miss
> > out something???
> > wesley.
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