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On Sep 8, 4:52 am, Tushar Sahni <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am getting cursor out of bound exception while i am trying to get list
> particular item positiion,Below is the crash report i am getting
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459): Caused by:
> android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 114 requested, with
> a size of 114
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> android.database.AbstractCursor.checkPosition(
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> android.database.AbstractWindowedCursor.checkPosition(
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> android.database.AbstractWindowedCursor.getString(
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> com.redorange.database.MessageDbAdapter.GetSeedDetails(
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> com.redorange.headshop.CustomAdapter.onCreate(
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     at
> 09-08 01:20:45.651: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(16459):     ... 11 more
> Can anyone help me in this regard
> Thanks in advance
> Tushar

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