Try using a async thread  to run the "update socket method"  and
update your interface using

2011/9/8 giangiammy <>:
> Hi all,
> I have an activity updating the GUI with data coming from a socket.
> In my activity I implemented an Handler:
>     int REFRESH = 1;
>     final Handler hRefresh = new Handler(){
>     @Override
>     public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
>         Integer i1;
>         Integer i2;
>         i1 = msg.arg1;
>         i2 = msg.arg2;
>         ... update a widget (in my example a button background)
>     }
>     };
> Then I start a thread polling the socket for new data and I define a Map
> with some function, which are called depending on the incoming data:
>            allServerActions.put(
>                         ami.serverId,
>                         new IntIntFunction() {
>                             public int function(int i1, int i2) {
>                                 Message msg = Message.obtain(hRefresh, 1,
> i1, i2);
>                                 hRefresh.sendMessage(msg);
>                                 return 0;
>                             } // end function
>                         } // end new
>                     ); // end put
> Where IntIntFunction is:
> interface IntIntFunction {
>       int function(int i1, int i2);
> }
> The socket thread works correctly, but after 1/2 minutes the main activity
> dies,
> with the followin logging:
> I/ActivityManager(  555): Process my.test.testxml1 (pid 650) has died.
> D/Zygote  (  529): Process 650 terminated by signal (11)
> I/WindowManager(  555): WIN DEATH: Window{522dbc30
> my.test.testxml1/my.test.testxml1.Testxml1 paused=false}
> W/UsageStats(  555): Unexpected resume of while already
> resumed in my.test.testxml1
> I/asset   (  555): Creating Asset 0x10279a90 #5
> W/InputManagerService(  555): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false)
> notification to pid 650 uid 10020
> I suppose I'm doing something wrong in the interazione between the 2
> threads: from the documentation
> I read I understood that the correct way is to use Handlers for such a task.
> Am I correct? do you see any error in my implementation?
> Is there any other way to implement an activity whose interface is updated
> by data coming from a socket?
> thanks
> giammy
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