It's 208x192 on the Xoom. Not square. Other people have noticed this

Adding an xhdpi drawable doesn't make any difference since the Xoom is
an mdpi device. However, I can add a 208x192 drawable to drawable-
xlarge to make the thumbnail appear on the Xoom without messing up the
thumbnail on mdpi phones.

On 8 Sep, 09:00, James W <> wrote:
> There doesn't appear to be any official documentation on the required
> size.
> However, from my testing on the emulator and real devices, it seems
> that the clearest/sharpestthumbnailimages are obtained by doubling
> the resolution of the icon size for each density.
> So for HDPI which has an icon size of 72x72, use 144x144 for 
> thewallpaperthumbnail.
> For MDPI with an icon size of 48, use 96.
> For LDPI with icon size of 36, use 72.
> Following this pattern, if XHDPI is double the density of MDPI, it
> should have an icon size of 96, hence I would expect 192x192 for 
> thethumbnail, at least one dimension of you are reporting below.
> Do they really not appear square on your Xoom? Or is it possible that
> they are using 192x192 and adding extra padding?
> On Sep 8, 1:25 am, nadam <> wrote:
> > I can't find any documentation or examples oflivewallpaperthumbnail
> > sizes. On my Motorola Xoom the thumbnails are displayed as 208x192,
> > but other mdpi-devices (phones) use much smaller thumbnails. What are
> > the recommended sizes for ldpi, mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi?

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