
Are you sure you are using the correct UUID value for your device ?

The default UUID in bluetoothchat usually needs to be changed, see the
Android bluetooth docs.


On Sep 8, 2:45 pm, darrinps <darri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been fighting this for a long time now and thought I'd ask the
> group.
> I have a Samsung Galaxy S running 2.2. I am trying to connect to a
> Bluetooth device (Free2move dongle).
> I can get up to the point where I do the
> createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord  and then I get Service Discovery
> Failed.
> Here is what my app (VERY closely based on BluetoothChat) is telling
> me:
> 09-07 23:41:09.582: DEBUG/BluetoothChatService(11472): Paired device
> found: Free2move WU
> 09-07 23:41:09.582: DEBUG/BluetoothChatService(11472): Found Free2move
> device: 00:0B:CE:03:35:49
> 09-07 23:41:16.644: DEBUG/BluetoothChatService(11472): Will try to
> connect to: 00:0B:CE:03:35:49
> 09-07 23:41:28.637: DEBUG/BluetoothChatService(11472): BluetoothSocket
> created for device: Free2move WU
> 09-07 23:41:28.641: INFO/BluetoothChatService(11472): BEGIN
> ConnectThread
> 09-07 23:41:28.656: INFO/BluetoothChatService(11472): Using socket to
> connect now...
> 09-07 23:41:30.621: DEBUG/BluetoothChatService(11472): setState()
> 09-07 23:41:34.695: ERROR/BluetoothChatService(11472): Connection
> failed
> 09-07 23:41:34.711: DEBUG/BluetoothChatService(11472): setState()
> 09-07 23:41:34.730: WARN/BluetoothChatService(11472): Connection
> failed with exception: Service discovery failed
> 09-07 23:41:34.730: WARN/BluetoothChatService(11472): With cause:
> class java.io.IOException
> 09-07 23:41:34.742: WARN/BluetoothChatService(11472):
> android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket$SdpHelper.doSdp: 377
> 09-07 23:41:34.742: WARN/BluetoothChatService(11472):
> android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.connect: 201
> 09-07 23:41:34.762: WARN/BluetoothChatService(11472):
> com.standardandroid.speedpro.bluetooth.BluetoothChatService
> $ConnectThread.run: 569
> The code that dies looks like this:
> private class ConnectThread extends Thread
>         {
>                 private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
>                 private final BluetoothDevice mmDevice;
>                 public ConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device)
>                 {
>                         mmDevice = device;
>                         BluetoothSocket tmp = null;
>                         // Get a BluetoothSocket for a connection with the
>                         // given BluetoothDevice
>                         try
>                         {
>                                 tmp = 
> device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(MY_UUID);
> I've seen some reports that this might be a bug in Android 
> itself:http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/...
> Does anyone know? Android folks?
> Thanks.

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