Well basically here is the breakdown:
Time when operator clicks on button = 15:17:46:351
Time when the button on click function finishes = 15:17:46:414

Time when the final display was updated = 15:17:47:179

I found that all the time was spent in displaying the list view on the 
screen. Basically on my 7" LCD screen, at any time about 6 items can be 
displayed. So the code keeps looping around the function getGroupView.

However, how can I find out that the expandablelistview has finished it's 
process. When the user starts to scroll, getGroupView function is called 
again to redraw new listview items. So it is hard for me to tap into that 
function and also it is hard to wait for exactly 6 items to be finished. 
What if there is only 1 item to be displayed.

Is there a function which gets called to indicated that display is ready to 
be shown?


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