for android wrote:
> I am trying to create a RadioGroup whch looks somewhat like this:
> <RadioGroup>
> <RadioButton>
> <TableLayout >
>             <TableRow>
>                 <RadioButton />
>                 <Button  />
>             </TableRow>
>         <TableRow>
>                 <RadioButton />
>                 <Button  />
>         </TableRow>
> </RadioGroup>
> But whn i create the radio group and start selecting items,the radio
> buttons are not of multiple-exclusion as suggested in the docs.For
> clarity I have created a sample prgrm attached??Is this a bug? Or I am
> doing anything incorrect.??

Unfortunately, as I understand it, RadioButton must be an immediate
child of RadioGroup for the mutual-exclusion to work, not inside some
other layout (e.g., your TableLayout).

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.9 Published!

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