My apologies: I thought I was responding to a different thread,
concerning the rotating async task problem.

Responding to you question:

Yes. Maintaining the state (and async task itself) in the application
object is a reasonable way to handle this.  If you need persistence
across application/process instances, you'll need to persist progress
in shared preferences or another persistent store.

On Sep 26, 2:14 pm, joebowbeer <> wrote:
> I've also solved this problem in the way you've described: by managing
> the task instance in the application object.  This does burden your
> application implementation with task details that logically are the
> responsibility of an activity or fragment.  In the interest of
> robustness, though, I do like to keep a tight grip on thread instances
> and centralized management via the application object accomplishes
> that.
> The other approaches described in this thread are:
> 1. Stop/cancel the task on rotation but remember what it was doing and
> restart it when the activity is restarted.
> 2. Don't stop the task on rotation but detach from it, retain its
> instance (onRetainNonConfigurationInstance), and reattach to it when
> the new activity is created.  (A generalized version of Mark's async
> task can be helpful here.)
> Joe
> On Sep 23, 6:29 pm, João Rossa <> wrote:
> > The use case is that the user should always see the loading progressbar if
> > there's any background work being done in whatever activity the user is and
> > if the task was launched from another activity. I tried putting a reference
> > in the application class to the progressbar and then refresh it in the
> > activities in the oncreate and onrestart,that the way the task will always
> > have the refreshed reference on the postexecute method....
> > Any inconvinients on this procedure?
> > regards,
> > On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:13 PM, blake <> wrote:
> > > AsyncTasks are a nifty tool but they have a fairly limited specific
> > > set of uses.  The previous responses have pointed out a several
> > > problems with this code: you can't keep static refs to Activites or
> > > Views, multiple Activities can't share a progress bar, etc.
> > > I don't understand the use case, but I agree with Mark that, from the
> > > code you've supplied, this might be better done as an IntentService or
> > > as a pair of Fragments.
> > > I'm going to be giving a Webinar on the pitfalls surrounding
> > > AsyncTasks next week, on the 29th:
> > >
> > > -blake
> > > Programming Android, FTW!
> > >
> > > --
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