any one help me this?

On Oct 4, 5:22 pm, Chenna <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am forced to fix my CameraPrview Activity in landscape. Now i am
> adding buttons on top of surface with linear layout and rotating the
> same with Animation. After rotating my buttons are not clickable.
> before rotation buttons are clickable.
> i have re/anim/rotation.xml
> <rotate  xmlns:android="
> android"
> android:fromDegrees="0"
> android:toDegrees="-90"
> android:pivotX="50%"
> android:pivotY="50%"
> android:duration="100"
> android:startOffset="0"
> android:fillAfter="true">
>  </rotate>
> Animation Code
> RotateAnimation rotateAnim =
> (RotateAnimation)AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.rotation);
>          LayoutAnimationController animController = new
> LayoutAnimationController(rotateAnim, 0);
>          //rotateAnim.setFillEnabled(true);
>          //rotateAnim.setFillAfter(true);
>         panel.setAnimation(rotateAnim);
> Where panel is LinearLayout(vertical) and it has two
> LinearLayout(horizontal) with couple of buttons
> I have two issues.
> 1. After rotation buttons are not clickable.
> 2. I dont know what values to provide in rotate xml to bring all
> layout to top of the portrait. Now i am getting at center.
> thanks
> Chenna

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