On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 8:54 AM, saran vonteddu <saran.myw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>           I'm working on AlarmClock application.  When ever my application
> is killed due to low memory,
> I want to retain some objects, so I want to store the
> instance in SharedPreference so that I can retrieve
> it whenever I needed.

That is not a typical pattern.

> So I want to convert an Object into a String and
>  store that String in sharedpreference.

That is a less-typical pattern.

> I would like to store "AlarmManager" object , for that I'm using
> ObjectSerializer.java to convert "AlarmManager" object to String.

That is simply impossible. AlarmManager is a system service. You
cannot persist it. If you are going to persist objects, persist your
own objects, please.

> How to resolve this issue. Atleast is there any way to store
> AlarmManager object into Shared Preference so dat I can use the object wen
> the
> application is killed.

You do not need to persist the AlarmManager, which is good, because
you cannot persist the AlarmManager. Simply call getSystemService()
whenever you need the AlarmManager.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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