On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 7:39 PM, John Seghers <jsegh...@cequint.com> wrote:
> I've successfully programmed a tag with a market URL, e.g.
> market://details?id=com.my.package.name. When the tag is read
> (Gingerbread 2.3.6), it will run the market app and go directly to the
> application's details page.

However, you have no way of getting control of this URL for
com.my.package.name, as Intent filters do not work on the query
string. Had they gone REST-ish (market://details/com/my/package/name),
then this might have worked.

> I know that I can put a URL that is under my control that would
> redirect to the Market...but that would require the user to select the
> tag once it's been collected by the default Tags app


> The Google IO Fruit Ninja demo shows something similar to what I want
> to do, but there it seems that they are using foreground Ndef Push to
> push the market URL and then entering P2P from there.

I think this is also correct.

It is possible that something new will crop up with the NFC support in
Ice Cream Sandwich that will offer a better flow here, but I suspect
that you are out of luck for now.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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