What is the problem you are facing? You have the phone number of each
call-log entry. Why you cannot group together the ones with the same
phone number? Just iterate over all entries in the call-log and do
whatever you wish to do with them. But beware, you should do such
operation in a seperate thread, and not in the main thread.

In an app which I developed, I access all call-log entries like below.
Something similar should work for you also. Inside the do-while loop
you can do whatever you wish with the call-log entries.

// This code should be executed in a seperate thread.

String[] projCallLog = new String[] { CallLog.Calls._ID,
CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME, CallLog.Calls.TYPE, CallLog.Calls.NUMBER,
CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, CallLog.Calls.DATE };

Cursor cur = getContentResolver().query(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI,
projCallLog, null, null, CallLog.Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);

if (null == cur)
    return (null);

if (!cur.moveToFirst())
    return (null);

    // ...
    // You can make the call-log entries even dance here :-)
    // ...
} while (cur.moveToNext());


Ali Chousein
http://weatherbuddy.blogspot.com/ | http://twitter.com/weather_buddy
Geo-Filtered Assistant

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