Thank you for your reply but cal.getTimeInMillis() returns the right thing.
It has been
suggested before that this might be returning the wrong value but whenever I
my device via USB cable I always see all alarms being set as you can see one
of them
below (others omitted). I regret that I cannot see the timestamp on the
logcat output (where
is the date and time)? How long does the logcat go back in time? I need to
disconnect the
device and then look at the logcat several hours later when an alarm is
missed, but with no
timestamp it is a little difficult to go back to the place in the log where
the messages were
supposed to be and debug. Could it be that my LG Optimus Net is one of few
devices where
the alarm does not worked as advertised in the API? What other devices may
have this same


John Goche

D/AlarmExpired(22715): <!> 35<!> Calling
alarm setter...
D/AlarmSetter(22715): <!> 2459<!> doSetupAlarm
D/AlarmSetter(22715): <!> 2470<!>
groupsDateTimes.size() is : 1
I/doSetupAlarm(22715): <!> 2506<!> Setting alarm
for group: ???????
D/AlarmSetter(22715): <!> 2528<!> Cancelling
D/AlarmSetter(22715): <!> 2532<!> Done cancelling
D/AlarmSetter(22715): <!> 2549<!> Setting alarm...
D/AlarmSetter(22715): <!> 2559<!> Done setting

On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Ali Chousein <>wrote:

> What does cal.getTimeInMillis() in the following statement return?
> Maybe the problem is there.
> alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, cal.getTimeInMillis(),
> pendingIntent);
> I use the following statement while setting alarms:
> SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()+tOffset, pendingIntent);
> where SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() is the elapsed time in
> milliseconds since the system was booted, including deep sleep.
> "tOffset" is the milliseconds which should elapse before the alarm is
> fired.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Ali Chousein
> Weather-Buddy
> |
> Geo-Filtered Assistant
> --
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