Thanks Dianne for the explanation. I forgot that that was the reason
ActionBarSherlock is a library project and not a jar (the resource

FYI, it's still called the "Android Compatibility package" in the
Android SDK Manager. I understand your reasoning for it being called
the "support library" however.

On Oct 24, 2:32 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:40 PM, ashughes <> wrote:
> > There is now an ActionBarCompat sample code demo (
> >
> > Is there a reason the ActionBar not been added to the ACL? Are there any
> > plans to add it to the ACL?
> No, nothing like this will appear in the support library any time soon.  An
> ActionBar implementation requires significant resources to go with it
> (drawables, layouts, attributes, etc), and at this point it is not feasible
> to package that kind of stuff up into a jar.
> Even if we make it possible to have resources in a har -- and that is
> something that may happen in the not so long term -- you wouldn't want to do
> this with the support lib unless you also had a tool to strip all of that
> stuff out for apps that aren't using it...  and *that* is a big enough
> amount of work that it probably isn't worth doing any time soon.
> Oh and btw, as far as I am concerned it is totally wrong to call this the
> "compatibility library."  The library is called the "support library,"
> because that is what it actually use -- various useful support classes.
>  There is a fair amount there that helps with using newer platform APIs
> while still being able to run on older platform versions, but there is a lot
> of other stuff there as well.  In particular, ViewPager.
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.

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