Hello everybody,

I'm trying to get the best heading estimation of my phone. To be more
precise, I'm only interested on the Azimuth value (angle from the

the API offer ready to use function like

TYPE_ORIENTATION (Deprecated): the result is shit :), it's very
unstable and not very precise..

there is SensorManager.getOrienation(matrix,orient): So here android
compute a matrix rotation based on the accel + magneto and then
extract the orientation from the rotationmatrix, and the result is
quit shit too.. Whenever my phone is near a magnetic perturbation the
heading become completly wrong...

I have read on this group that there is the TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR that
fuse the accelerometer + compass. I have tried this and it's not too
bad. It's sure, better that only using the accelerometer (+magneto)
with .getOrientation but it's still not very accurate when the phone
is near a magnetic perturbation....

There is the TYPE_GYROSCOPE that if you integrate the value by hand it
gives you the actual  angle, but this not very good because of the
integration drift, and if my phone stand still on a table I can see
the angle moving every seconds...

So now my question is..  How can I fuse (Exactly like
TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR does) the accelerometer with the gyroscope (+
compass why not)? That would be MOOOORE precise that fuse it with the
compass no ??

Thank you !

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