Constant running third-party apps are a very bad design idea on mobile 
devices as they increase CPU load, reduce battery life, and, if they 
have bugs, can cause all sorts of problems (look at the Locale problem 
thread at

Hiding apps entirely from a user is also a bad design idea because how 
is a user suppose to know your app is running and working if they have 
no feedback? How are they suppose to change any settings or preferences 
if they have no access to your app?

Take a look at Services 
they can be killed if the system wants to free up some resources, but I 
would suggest having another think about your app from a users 
perspective before you code too much.


javame_android wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want that the application should get autolaunch in background
> whenever mobile gets switched on. And that application should
> continuously run in background. Even if the user changes the SIM card
> then and switch on the mobile then the application should get started
> automatically.
> I would also like to know if there are any prompts shown to the user
> while starting the application. I mean user should not be aware the
> application is running in background. Its UI should not be visible to
> user.
> Regards
> Sunil
> >

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