Being fortunate enough to live in the land of the Galaxy Nexus Launch, I 
can speak to some of this. The GN has three places it will put a soft menu 
button, none of which are represented in the 4.0 emulator, 
unfortunately. Presumably, because it doesn't have some build flag set to 
say "there's no hardware Menu button".

If your app has targetSdkVersion of 10 or lower, it will have no native 
ActionBar, and the menu overflow button will appear alongside the other 
"device buttons" at the bottom of the screen (or the left edge, in 
landscape). The emulator doesn't show this "device button" area at all, but 
you've probably seen it in GN screenshots.

If your app has targetSdkVersion of 11 or higher, it probably has an 
ActionBar, and the GN will put any overflow menu button at the right edge 
of the ActionBar, same as in Honeycomb. It's a different icon, but the same 
behavior. This doesn't happen in the ICS emulator, at least not at handset 

If your app has targetSdkVersion of 11 or higher, and you use the new split 
ActionBar (, the 
GN will put your overflow menu in the lower ActionBar. Again, just be aware 
that the emulator does not show this. I've also had some trouble with the 
formatting of this lower ActionBar on the GN, but I can't seem to repro it 
at the moment.

A consequence of these formatting differences is that you can't tell from 
the emulator exactly how the ActionBar will handle MenuItems that include 
showAsAction="ifRoom". Because the emulator's ActionBar doesn't show the 
soft menu button, it naturally has more room for one more ActionItem than 
the GN does. Take this into account when trying to plan how many 
ActionItems your user will be able to see.

You may have also noticed on the emulator that ICS doesn't do a very good 
job of deciding "ifRoom" on the ActionBar. In particular, it'll happily 
ellipsize the activity's title in order to show one more ActionItem. This 
behavior also occurs on the GN; it's annoying, and IMHO makes a mockery of 

Finally, one problematic edge case occurred for me in an app I had where I 
hid the title bar in devices smaller than size Large. In this situation, 
the GN gave no way to access the functionality I had under the Menu key on 
other handsets: no action bar, but no soft menu button in the device area 
either. Not nice. But probably not a case which affects many apps.

Hope this helps some folks, 

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