sorry i have put wrong milisecond values

corrected to,
myManager.requestLocationUpdates(myManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 10000,

but, the problem remains same, not getting values at fixed interval

i want continious lat-long values irrespective of location change
what should i do?

plz help me to understand the issue.
thanks in advance

On Dec 4, 10:01 am, Sumedh <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Working on application in which I try to get current lat-long and send
> it to server on which a listener is executing which will listen the
> data comning on port.
> I have used location listener for this. And in onLocationChanged I
> have written the methods getLattitude(), getLongitude().
> I have used the method
> LocationManager myManager =
> (LocationManager)this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
> myManager.requestLocationUpdates(myManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 10000000, 5,
> locationListener);
> i want lat-long values for every 10 sec
> but aftr executing this code i get lat-long values without any fixed
> interval, and aftr some time programs stops, means the code executes
> but wont transmit the lat-long values
> plz help me to understand the issue.
> thanks in advance
> Sumedh

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