That's not really an answer, as such.
Anyway, since you're going such a long way down the security route, why
don't you, a) require a handshake with home base...code that is less
likely to be manhandled by outsiders, and/or b) hash your binary do
prove that it hasn't been tampered with.
Paranoia seems rampant in the sound industry too. I guess it must have
something to do with the RIAA.
On 12/7/2011 1:43 PM, RLScott wrote:
On Dec 7, 12:38 am, Christopher Van Kirk
<> wrote:
Why is sound related software so expensive?
On 12/7/2011 1:28 PM, RLScott wrote:
If you think that's expensive, check out my nearest competitor on
iPhone: Verituner. He charges double what I charge.
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