Can you please run the emulator with -debug all -show-kernel options, and
post the output here?

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Nadav <> wrote:

> SDK #Tue Nov 15 21:14:51 IST 2011.ApiLevel=14
> I have a SmartCom usb WebCam, when it is plugged in the emulator
> crash, when I plug it out all works good, this is verified having
> "camera_device_start_capturing" as the last line printed when lunched
> the following command line:
> emulator.exe -avd avd -debug all -show-kernel results the following:
> D:\Android\android-sdk\tools>emulator: found SDK root at D:\Android
> \android-sdk
> emulator: Android virtual device file at: C:\Users\nadav\.android/avd/
> avd.ini
> emulator: C:\Users\nadav\.android/avd/avd.ini: parsing as .ini file
> emulator:    1: KEY='target' VALUE='android-10'
> emulator:    2: KEY='path' VALUE='C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd'
> emulator: C:\Users\nadav\.android/avd/avd.ini: parsing finished
> emulator: virtual device content at C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd
> \AVD.avd
> emulator: virtual device config file: C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd
> \AVD.avd/config.ini
> emulator: C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/config.ini: parsing
> as .ini file
> emulator:    1: KEY='hw.lcd.density' VALUE='240'
> emulator:    2: KEY='sdcard.size' VALUE='50M'
> emulator:    3: KEY='' VALUE='WVGA854'
> emulator:    4: KEY='skin.path' VALUE='platforms\android-10\skins
> \WVGA854'
> emulator:    5: KEY='hw.cpu.arch' VALUE='arm'
> emulator:    6: KEY='abi.type' VALUE='armeabi'
> emulator:    7: KEY='vm.heapSize' VALUE='24'
> emulator:    8: KEY='hw.ramSize' VALUE='256'
> emulator:    9: KEY='image.sysdir.1' VALUE='platforms\android-10\images
> \'
> emulator: C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/config.ini: parsing
> finished
> emulator: using core hw config path: C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd
> \AVD.avd/hardware-qemu.ini
> emulator: Found target field in root AVD .ini file: 'android-10'
> emulator: Found AVD target API level: 10
> emulator:     found image search path: platforms\android-10\images\
> emulator: found a total of 1 search paths for this AVD
> emulator: found skin 'WVGA854' in directory: D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\skins
> emulator: autoconfig: -skin WVGA854
> emulator: autoconfig: -skindir D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\skins
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_CALL to F3
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_HANGUP to F4
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_HOME to HOME
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_BACK to ESCAPE
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_MENU to F2
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_MENU to PAGEUP
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_STAR to Shift-F2
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_STAR to PAGEDOWN
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_POWER to F7
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_SEARCH to F5
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_CAMERA to Ctrl-KEYPAD_5
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_CAMERA to Ctrl-F3
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_VOLUME_UP to KEYPAD_PLUS
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_VOLUME_UP to Ctrl-F5
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_VOLUME_DOWN to KEYPAD_MINUS
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_VOLUME_DOWN to Ctrl-F6
> emulator: adding binding TOGGLE_NETWORK to F8
> emulator: adding binding TOGGLE_TRACING to F9
> emulator: adding binding TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN to Alt-ENTER
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_DPAD_CENTER to KEYPAD_5
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_DPAD_UP to KEYPAD_8
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT to KEYPAD_4
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT to KEYPAD_6
> emulator: adding binding BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN to KEYPAD_2
> emulator: adding binding TOGGLE_TRACKBALL to F6
> emulator: adding binding SHOW_TRACKBALL to DELETE
> emulator: adding binding CHANGE_LAYOUT_PREV to KEYPAD_7
> emulator: adding binding CHANGE_LAYOUT_PREV to Ctrl-F11
> emulator: adding binding CHANGE_LAYOUT_NEXT to KEYPAD_9
> emulator: adding binding CHANGE_LAYOUT_NEXT to Ctrl-F12
> emulator: adding binding ONION_ALPHA_UP to KEYPAD_MULTIPLY
> emulator: adding binding ONION_ALPHA_DOWN to KEYPAD_DIVIDE
> emulator: keyset loaded from: C:\Users\nadav\.android\default.keyset
> emulator: trying to load skin file 'D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\skins/WVGA854/layout'
> emulator: adjusting LCD dimensions to (480x856x)
> emulator: skin network speed: 'full'
> emulator: skin network delay: 'none'
> emulator: found kernel-qemu in search dir: D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\images\
> emulator: autoconfig: -kernel D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\images\/kernel-qemu
> emulator: found ramdisk.img in search dir: D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\images\
> emulator: autoconfig: -ramdisk D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\images\/ramdisk.img
> emulator: found system.img in search dir: D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\images\
> emulator: Using initial system image: D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\images\/system.img
> emulator: autoconfig: -data C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/
> userdata-qemu.img
> emulator: autoconfig: -initdata C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/
> userdata.img
> emulator: autoconfig: -cache C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/
> cache.img
> emulator: autoconfig: -sdcard C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/
> sdcard.img
> emulator: Physical RAM size: 256MB
> emulator:     no qwerty2.kcm in search dir: D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\images\
> emulator: <memoryFile>: parsing as .ini file
> emulator: <memoryFile>: parsing finished
> Content of hardware configuration file:
>  hw.cpu.arch = arm
>  hw.cpu.model =
>  hw.ramSize = 256
>  hw.touchScreen = yes
>  hw.mainKeys = yes
>  hw.trackBall = yes
>  hw.keyboard = yes
>  hw.keyboard.lid = yes
>  hw.keyboard.charmap = qwerty2
>  hw.dPad = yes
>  hw.gsmModem = yes
> = no
> = 640
> = 480
>  hw.gps = yes
>  hw.battery = yes
>  hw.accelerometer = yes
>  hw.audioInput = yes
>  hw.audioOutput = yes
>  hw.sdCard = yes
>  hw.sdCard.path = C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/sdcard.img
>  disk.cachePartition = yes
>  disk.cachePartition.path = C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/
> cache.img
>  disk.cachePartition.size = 66m
>  hw.lcd.width = 480
>  hw.lcd.height = 856
>  hw.lcd.depth = 16
>  hw.lcd.density = 240
>  hw.lcd.backlight = yes
>  hw.gpu.enabled = no
>  hw.fakeCamera = back
> = 6
> = webcam0
> = webcam1
> = webcam2
> = webcam3
> = webcam4
> = webcam5
> = front
> = back
> = front
> = front
> = front
> = front
>  vm.heapSize = 24
>  hw.sensors.proximity = yes
>  kernel.path = D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms\android-10\images\/
> kernel-qemu
>  kernel.parameters =  android.checkjni=1
>  disk.ramdisk.path = D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\images\/ramdisk.img
>  disk.systemPartition.initPath = D:\Android\android-sdk/platforms
> \android-10\images\/system.img
>  disk.systemPartition.size = 89m
>  disk.dataPartition.path = C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/
> userdata-qemu.img
>  disk.dataPartition.size = 66m
>  disk.snapStorage.path =
> = avd
> .
> QEMU options list:
> emulator: argv[00] = "./emulator-arm.exe"
> emulator: argv[01] = "-show-kernel"
> emulator: argv[02] = "-android-hw"
> emulator: argv[03] = "C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/hardware-
> qemu.ini"
> Concatenated QEMU options:
>  ./emulator-arm.exe -show-kernel -android-hw C:\Users\nadav\.android
> \avd\AVD.avd/hardware-qemu.ini
> emulator: android_qemud_init
> emulator: Registered QEMUD service boot-properties
> emulator: registered 'boot-properties' qemud service
> emulator: android_qemud_init
> emulator: Registered QEMUD service hw-control
> emulator: android_hw_control_init: hw-control qemud handler
> initialized
> emulator: C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/hardware-qemu.ini:
> parsing as .ini file
> emulator:    1: KEY='hw.cpu.arch' VALUE='arm'
> emulator:    2: KEY='hw.cpu.model' VALUE=''
> emulator:    3: KEY='hw.ramSize' VALUE='256'
> emulator:    4: KEY='hw.touchScreen' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:    5: KEY='hw.mainKeys' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:    6: KEY='hw.trackBall' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:    7: KEY='hw.keyboard' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:    8: KEY='hw.keyboard.lid' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:    9: KEY='hw.keyboard.charmap' VALUE='qwerty2'
> emulator:   10: KEY='hw.dPad' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   11: KEY='hw.gsmModem' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   12: KEY='' VALUE='no'
> emulator:   13: KEY='' VALUE='640'
> emulator:   14: KEY='' VALUE='480'
> emulator:   15: KEY='hw.gps' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   16: KEY='hw.battery' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   17: KEY='hw.accelerometer' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   18: KEY='hw.audioInput' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   19: KEY='hw.audioOutput' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   20: KEY='hw.sdCard' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   21: KEY='hw.sdCard.path' VALUE='C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd
> \AVD.avd/sdcard.img'
> emulator:   22: KEY='disk.cachePartition' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   23: KEY='disk.cachePartition.path' VALUE='C:\Users\nadav
> \.android\avd\AVD.avd/cache.img'
> emulator:   24: KEY='disk.cachePartition.size' VALUE='66m'
> emulator:   25: KEY='hw.lcd.width' VALUE='480'
> emulator:   26: KEY='hw.lcd.height' VALUE='856'
> emulator:   27: KEY='hw.lcd.depth' VALUE='16'
> emulator:   28: KEY='hw.lcd.density' VALUE='240'
> emulator:   29: KEY='hw.lcd.backlight' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   30: KEY='hw.gpu.enabled' VALUE='no'
> emulator:   31: KEY='hw.fakeCamera' VALUE='back'
> emulator:   32: KEY='' VALUE='6'
> emulator:   33: KEY='' VALUE='webcam0'
> emulator:   34: KEY='' VALUE='webcam1'
> emulator:   35: KEY='' VALUE='webcam2'
> emulator:   36: KEY='' VALUE='webcam3'
> emulator:   37: KEY='' VALUE='webcam4'
> emulator:   38: KEY='' VALUE='webcam5'
> emulator:   39: KEY='' VALUE='front'
> emulator:   40: KEY='' VALUE='back'
> emulator:   41: KEY='' VALUE='front'
> emulator:   42: KEY='' VALUE='front'
> emulator:   43: KEY='' VALUE='front'
> emulator:   44: KEY='' VALUE='front'
> emulator:   45: KEY='vm.heapSize' VALUE='24'
> emulator:   46: KEY='hw.sensors.proximity' VALUE='yes'
> emulator:   47: KEY='kernel.path' VALUE='D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\images\/kernel-qemu'
> emulator:   48: KEY='kernel.parameters' VALUE='android.checkjni=1'
> emulator:   49: KEY='disk.ramdisk.path' VALUE='D:\Android\android-sdk/
> platforms\android-10\images\/ramdisk.img'
> emulator:   50: KEY='disk.systemPartition.initPath' VALUE='D:\Android
> \android-sdk/platforms\android-10\images\/system.img'
> emulator:   51: KEY='disk.systemPartition.size' VALUE='89m'
> emulator:   52: KEY='disk.dataPartition.path' VALUE='C:\Users\nadav
> \.android\avd\AVD.avd/userdata-qemu.img'
> emulator:   53: KEY='disk.dataPartition.size' VALUE='66m'
> emulator:   54: KEY='disk.snapStorage.path' VALUE=''
> emulator:   55: KEY='' VALUE='avd'
> emulator: C:\Users\nadav\.android\avd\AVD.avd/hardware-qemu.ini:
> parsing finished
> emulator: nand_add_dev: system,size=0x5900000,initfile=D:\Android
> \android-sdk/platforms\android-10\images\/system.img
> emulator: mapping 'system' NAND image to C:\Users\nadav\AppData\Local
> \Temp\\AndroidEmulator\TMPC8F.tmp
> emulator: rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit, now 5913000
> emulator: nand_add_dev: userdata,size=0x4200000,file=C:\Users\nadav
> \.android\avd\AVD.avd/userdata-qemu.img
> emulator: android_qemud_init
> emulator: Registered QEMUD service boot-properties
> emulator: registered 'boot-properties' qemud service
> emulator: Adding boot property: 'dalvik.vm.heapsize' = '24m'
> emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.lcd_density' = '240'
> emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.hw.mainkeys' = '1'
> emulator: android_qemud_init
> emulator: Registered QEMUD service gsm
> emulator: android_qemud_init
> emulator: Registered QEMUD service gps
> emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.fake_camera' = 'back'
> emulator: camera_device_start_capturing: Video capturing driver has
> reported pixel format MJPG
> --
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