After the Fragments API being released, I started porting all my
deprecated dialogs into DialogFraments using the compatibility
package. Everything was working well, until I notice that my dialogs
are causing crashes to ICS only:

E/AndroidRuntime(  883): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not
perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

My dialogs are shown on AsyncTask.onPostExecute() in order to show an
http response to the user. After diving into the problem, I got the
conclusion that this exception only happens when the Activity is
paused or stopped, and it does not happen on other versions of
Android. I've tried using commitAllowingStateLoss(), but it doesn't
help, since the exception is thrown on Here's
my code for the DialogFragment:

Is it wrong to create dialogs on paused or stopped activities? How can
I assert that my activity is resumed before showing a dialog on this

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