On Dec 22, 4:11 am, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Nathan <critter...@crittermap.com> wrote:
> > Half of the Actionbar is still set aside for the nonexistent title.
> And the nonexistent tabs, the nonexistent Spinner, and the nonexistent
> custom navigation. Probably they are leaving that space in case you
> enable any of those.
Probably. I'd hope for more sophistication. It seems like they would
if I enabled any of that.

> > My hope was to fit more than two actions on it.
> Use the split action bar, to put actions on the bottom of the screen.

My customers would hate me; they are a bit touchy about screen real

But here is what I found. By changing some of the menu items from
android:showAsAction= "ifRoom" to "always", I can get it to show four
action buttons, plus the overflow button when there is no hardware
menu key. You'd think "ifRoom" would work because there *is* room, but
this is what works.

Good enough for now. But since I can't assume 4.0=phone (it might be
tablet), I'll probably need to be more sophisticated in choosing menu
styles. Maybe all that screenwidth threshold stuff they were showing
at AnDevCon.


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